Of all the girls I have had sex with over the years, only a small percentage were squirters. A couple didn’t even realize they could squirt but were willing to experiment. Watching them experience that for the first time was more of a pleasure than I can even explain. The release brought one to tears and the other was ebarassed thinking that she had just pissed all over bed.
Gain membership access to Squirting Virgin for 72% off with our discount. Every single one of their models experiences female ejaculation. For some, it is their first time feeling that ecstasy. For others, they just pretend it is, but the squirt is very real.
Teens and coeds soak their surroundings as they unleash their orgasmic stream in front of the camera. There is a lot of build up to get them to that point and different girls react most intensely to different things. They are fingered, tongued, and toyed. Some have a ball gag put in their mouth to muffle their moans as they squirm at a man’s touch. It’s very rousing to watch.
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